Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tech-Tac-Toe #1 ~ Blabberize!

Yea! I figured out another technology tool all by myself! I am feeling pretty accomplished right now. I chose Blabberize as a new tool to try out because I thought this would be a tool I could use with my little kinder kiddos. Blabberize is a super easy to use technology tool that allows teachers or students to speak through a picture. A mouth can be added and manipulated on a picture that you choose and then becomes animated to “speak” the audio that you add. The finished product is a Blabber! 

When I first looked at this tool, I wasn’t sure how I would use it with my little ones. I was seeing lots of uses as an engagement tool, but I wanted to find something my kids could create and would be meaningful for them. I then thought about the various explorations that they do throughout the year. One science related exploration that we do is a unit on oviparous (egg laying) animals. After learning about oviparous animals, the students then select or are assigned an oviparous animal to research with a partner. In the past, they have used what they learned from their research to create an information book about their animal. They share information about what their animal looks like, its habitat and diet, and any other interesting facts they learn. Then it hit me! The students could make a blabber with their oviparous animal! They could record some of the information that they learned about their animal and combine it with a picture of their animal “speaking.” This would be a wonderful, meaningful and exciting way to extend and share their learning! 

 I do, however, foresee some challenges for these little learners. I used a photo I found from the internet, but perhaps it would be easier for them to take a photo of their animal from one of their books using the iPad. The other challenging part that could become frustrating for some would be manipulating the talking mouth on the photo. Despite these potential challenges, I think this would be a fabulous tool to use with my little kinders!

This is a sample Blabber that I created of a sea turtle.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute example! You are right, a tool like Blabberize might be something you use to introduce a unit. You could possibly even create it for them and then record their voices. Thanks for your honest opinion on the tool.
