After spending a great deal of time researching and working on my Trends in Ed Tech presentation on Mashups, I was actually excited about the newest project ~ CREATING a mashup. I was also excited to realize that I’ve already created mashups, without ever knowing it. Every year, I create a keepsake slideshow for my little kinder kids and their families combing all the photos I had taken throughout the year and with music that is meaningful to both my students, their parents, and me. So when I thought about this new project, I thought, “Well, I got this!”
Thinking of a topic wasn’t too difficult. I thought of many and then quickly narrowed it down. I made a twist on the slideshow I make for my kiddos and used some of their pictures from the last couple of years to highlight the reasons why I teach. Using narration was new to me, but writing the script came pretty easily. I then set to work in iMovie. Although I never used this program before to CREATE my slideshow, I found it relatively easy to navigate. I actually had fun aligning my pictures to match the music and my script.
With my project saved and the only step left was to publish it on YouTube (or so I thought), I was feeling really good about it. Although it took a long time to create, I was very happy not just with the final product, but also with my ability to learn a new program.
Then…trouble started! I couldn’t re-open the project I had just created. After a great deal of hunting and trouble shooting, I figured out the problem I was having was an issue with using an out-of-date version of iMovie. That’s where my technical trouble shooting hit a wall.
Thanks to the help from a mastermind techie, my project was recovered! I also learned that I can’t just save my project to the desktop and then drag it into YouTube. I had no idea that I needed to export it. I’m learning something new all the time! So now, after shedding both tears of joy and tears of frustration, my project is on YouTube for the world to enjoy.
So, would I create an digital story again? Yes. Now that the technical issues have hopefully been resolved, I will definitely try my hand again at creating another digital story. Unfortunately, the most purposeful uses I can think of are creating a project FOR my students, such as the slideshows I’ve created in the past and personal uses. The amount of time and skills required to create such a project present great challenges for me to create a project WITH my kinder kiddos or for them to be able to create their own projects.
Great post. Love the positive vibe, even when you had trouble you didn't give up. The end product is a great promotional video for why teaching is such a fantastic career! I especially liked the repetition of "why do I teach". Well done!
Great post. Love the positive vibe, even when you had trouble you didn't give up. The end product is a great promotional video for why teaching is such a fantastic career! I especially liked the repetition of "why do I teach". Well done!