Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Oh the Places You'll Go...

Image from Google Images Search
Technology and I have always had a love-hate relationship.  I love it when it works, but when it doesn’t (which is often), I hate it.  So my first goal in taking the tech class was to become more comfortable with technology.  I definitely have become more comfortable and confident in using technology and even with trouble-shooting some situations that arise.  I have also learned that sometimes there just isn’t an explanation for why something doesn’t work or the trouble-shooting necessary is still way beyond my ability.  At least, I am not afraid to try now!My second goal in taking the tech class was to discover authentic uses for technology in my kindergarten classroom.  I am happy to report that there was quite a bit that I was able to take away from the class that I will be able to use in my teaching!  I will start with some of the “behind the scenes” technology ~ technology that I will use as a teacher, though not directly with my students. I learned some basic technology lingo ~ like EMBED!  Yes, not only do I know what that means, but I can actually do it!  I also learned how to design and create my own website!  Although I already had a classroom website, I did not create it and didn’t know how to update or change it.  I do now!!  As for technology I feel confident in using WITH my students, there is quite a lot.  One of the first assignments we did in our class was on content curation.  I chose to create a Symbaloo compiling resources for students.  This was a great resource that I am excited to embed in our kindergarten website.  Other valuable technology tools that I plan to use in my teaching came from the exploration of Web 2.0 tools.  I explored Popplet, Blabberize, and Voice Thread and have plans to incorporate all three of them into our curriculum.  Our final project was to create a WebQuest.  This was quite a project!  My partner and I chose to create our WebQuest around a STEM unit on Pushes and Pulls that we have never taught before.  While it was a lot of work, the final product is definitely something we will be using with our students! Teaching the youngest of learners in kindergarten presented natural challenges with some of the technology that was shared throughout the course.  Overall, this was a successful class!One of my favorite children’s books is Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss.  As I was reflecting on this course and my growth because of it, this book immediately came to mind.  I read it every year on the last day of school to my little kinders who never cease to amaze me.  I have learned a lot through this course, both about technology and about myself as a learner.  My mountain is waiting…

From my favorite Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Image from Google Images Search

From my favorite Dr. Seuss book, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Image from Google Images Search